Off The Shelf: Missions: How The Local Church Goes Global

Missions: How the local church goes global

Sometimes, it can be argued, that global mission is so distant that it doesn’t seem very important to the life of the local church. I can totally understand where people are coming from. How does this stuff connect with where we are? Why should we even bother about cross-cultural ministry, and on the other side of the world? Are there better ways for us to partner with our missionaries? If this is you then Andy Johnson’s book Missions is a helpful hands on guide.

Now let me be clear, I am not driven by pragmatism, and you will be more glad to know, neither is Johnson. His main aim for writing this little book is to


see churches sending and equipping missionaries in healthy partnerships, so that God’s kingdom grows and many more people come to know Jesus. It is all about the Glory of God and the eternal good of others.

That being said, it is naive to not look at practicalities in the process of global mission. We need to have an access point enabling us to think through, “What is this going to look like as a church”? After all, to quote Johnson, “One of the things we see clearly in scripture is that a concern for missions is for all Christians, because it is a concern for every local church” (p.20). 

I want to commend Johnson for this aspect of the book in particular. It is probably one of the best short books around for giving good practical help to everyone in the local church family about what it looks like to send and serve well together in what God is doing across his world.

One final thing to highlight. If you head over to 10ofThose, they are doing a great deal for use in local church ministry.

May God use us to see those who don’t know Jesus come to know him.






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