Off The Shelf: Intentional, Evangelism that takes people to Jesus

Talking to people about Jesus, the king of the universe, should be the most natural thing to do as people who know him and follow him. Yet, that is often not the case. Why? Well in this great little book, Intentional, Paul Williams helps to explore this and offer some great pointers that help believing people communicate the amazing truths of the gospel in easy and normal ways.  Continue reading

Off The Shelf: Not so secret; Being contemporary agents for mission

Book: Not so secret: Being contemporary agents for mission 

Graham Orr has worked for a number of years in Japan in urban Tokyo and this book exploring the task of being mission agents in normal life has been a really helpful and informative read for me. Although much of the experience is based on observations from Japan, Orr has thoughtfully related this to the similar challenges which face the church across the UK. Continue reading