A heart of repentance? OMF April 2018

“I the Lord do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed…. return to me and I will return to you, says the Lord Almighty”  (Malachi 3:6-7)

I have yet to come across anyone in life that likes duplicity. Or to put it another way, people just don’t like to be on the receiving end of this sort of unfaithful behaviour. It leaves us hurting and has the potential to embed a deep brokenness into many of our relationships. What we know for sure about the character of God though is this; he is no deceiver. Continue reading

The Night Before

Wandering from person to person seeking consolation, in a never changing fraud.  All around there seems no answer at the core; where is the assurance I long to know? 

Light from heaven once shone drawing out a praise misplaced. This light though misunderstood lead from the place of disgrace; changing, challenging, securing.  Continue reading

Relationships across cultures: OMF September 2017

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them (Gen 1:27)

No doubt we were deeply saddened, even angry at the events that took place in Charlottesville in the US. Acts of violence and hatred which have ripped people apart all to do with the idea of racial and cultural superiority. Let’s be clear, as I am sure we all are, this is wrong and evil. There is no such thing as superiority due to the colour of someone’s skin. Continue reading

Digging deeper into advent: The royal connection

When I was a child one of my favourite things to do was to help plant trees, flowers and assorted growing things in the garden. This involved a lot of digging. You needed to prepare the ground ready to plant. The correct tools were essential. Finding the right place to start digging was another key factor (at age 5 I always had guidance). Digging was sometimes hard work, it was often messy but it was always rewarding.

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Can There Be Joy In The Everyday?

Each morning as the alarm sounds at 6.30 it does not to fill me with joy. I don’t know about you but it tends to bring out an uncontrollable desire within me to dive under the covers for at least another 30 seconds (which turns into 10 minutes). Yet the inevitability is that I need to get up and get on with the tasks of the day. And I’m guessing that you need to do this too. So how is it possible to experience joy in the everyday?  Continue reading

God Will Come: So What?

It has been suggested in the past that Satan’s greatest trick was to convince people that he does not exist. There is an element of truth to this, however I suggest that it needs to be expanded. What people in a western worldview context have been convinced of more fully is that there is no such thing as God’s judgment. And even if there is, “for the sake of hypothetical argument”, then two common objections arise, 1. I’ll be fine because I’m not to shabby 2. I refuse to be held accountable to this God.    Continue reading